Wednesday, April 29, 2015

News: Here's 10 things Avalanche wants to make sure you spotted in the Just Cause 3 gameplay trailer

Yes, vegetation is destructible.

News: Here's 10 things Avalanche wants to make sure you spotted in the Just Cause 3 gameplay trailer news

1. The Wingsuit The Wingsuit allows Rico to swoop across Medici at breakneck speeds, using the grapple to slingshot through tunnels and caves, under bridges and down mountainsides.

2. Multi-tether Rico's grapple has taken a huge step forward, with one of the biggest new features being the ability to tether up to 5 things together in the world.

3. MASSIVE Explosions  Medici is a world that's packed with petrol stations, huge fuel tanks and electrical substations that are just begging to go "boom".

4. Cascading Destruction The new...

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